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Learn How to Design Conceptual and Meaningful Logos

Create logos that are not just aesthetically pleasing, but are meaningful and can stand the test of time

Any graphic designer will tell you that logo design is one of the key skills you need in the industry. A logo is the first impression for any brand, and it needs to look professional and aesthetically pleasing.

However with more and more people offering logo design services, and sites offering cheap-o $5 logos, you can no longer compete just on the quality of your graphic design alone. You need the added advantage of creating conceptually.

Creating logos using grids, golden ratio and other design principles are all fantastic, useful and you may even say vital for a well balanced design. However that’s not what this class is about.

For the last 15 years I have been working as a brand specialist and creative director and as part of this video series I want to walk you through how you can create a logo conceptually, so that it’s not just pretty, but can stand the test of time because of the meaning behind it.

With this class I want to empower you with the mindset and the advantage to create logos that are not just aesthetically pleasing, but are meaningful and can stand the test of time.

Key Takeaways:

Difference Between a Logo and a Brand

Why Design a Logo Conceptually

Styles and Types of Logos

Process of Developing a Logo Concept

Logo Design Tips and Tricks

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Author: admin
Admin Of Cr4ck5now-blog.blogspot.com