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Symfony Console Component: Creating Custom Commands

Learn to automate your Php applications creating custom CLI commands with Symfony Console Component.

Command-line interface (CLI) ease a lot day-to-day operations. Your console commands can be used for any recurring task, such as cronjobs, imports, or other batch jobs.

In this course we are going to be learning how to create custom CLI commands in your PHP applications using the Symfony Console component as a standalone project.

The Console component of Symfony eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces, this component is used by several PHP frameworks as Drupal, Laravel, OroCRM, APIPlatform, Magento, etc.

This course explains how to use the Console features as an independent component in any PHP application. So you do not need to have previous experience with Symfony.

To start with, we'll go ahead and install the Console component using Composer. After installation, we'll build a few examples for demonstration purposes. Will see how to configure, register and executing the commands, how options and arguments are handle, how to testing , how to style a console command with questions, messages, tables, progress bars and how to make commands lazily loaded.

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Author: admin
Admin Of Cr4ck5now-blog.blogspot.com